Some New Found Hobbies
Dress || Similar Wedges || Similar Handbag || Earrings
“All work and no play makes quarantine a dull time.” Or I think that’s how the saying goes. Since David and I have the luxury of working from home right now, it’s sometimes hard to find that clear separation between business and relaxation. Luckily, I’ve been able to work at this for over a month now and I think I’ve found some relief. It’s not particularly earth shattering information, but finding a new hobby during this time can help your attitude in a wide variety of ways. It gives you something to look forward to and can be a substitute for your normal routine. Since I’m not quite sure when I’ll feel like things are back to normal, here’s some new found hobbies I’ve found in the the Spring of 2020.
Learn a New Language
I’ve been brushing up on my Spanish intermittently for a few months to prep for our June trip to Peru. Unfortunately, we ultimately decided to cancel the trip and plan on rescheduling when we feel the time is right. There’s still a hopeful trip to Ecuador in September for a family wedding to look forward to. Even if there was nothing on the horizon, I think having basic Spanish mastered is such a vital skill, especially in Florida. I’ve personally been using Duolingo. While I don’t know if I’ll ever be fluent in a second language, I think it lowered the language barrier on my trips to both France and Italy.
Make a New Cocktail
Still trying to keep some boundaries, I try and limit my cocktails to Friday and Saturday evening. Going to the local bars was part of our normal routine. Instead of pouring a standard drink, I’m practicing my mixologist skills and making drinks a little bit out of my comfort zone. One of my favorite sources is the Coastal Living ‘Beach Cocktails’ book. It has fun, tropically inspired drinks that both David and I would enjoy. If you have a favorite Quarantine Cocktail, feel free to share!
Give Photography a Try
Recently, I’ve decided to get on the other side of the camera and take a stab at photography. I’ve been editing my own pictures since the get-go of this little blog, but this prospect has given me a new layer of creative freedom. While I’m at home, I take a designated daily walk. Even if it’s just around the neighborhood, I have camera in hand, ready to capture the beautiful side of St. Pete. I think it adds something interesting to my Instagram page, too. Now you’ll see more about my day and where I live. It’s a small adjustment, but I feel less vain too.
Begin Creative Consulting
My new hobby for photography, and its bright aesthetic, has recently caught the eye of some of my favorite St. Pete businesses. It’s even stemmed into some freelance work. Because I love the idea of working with local businesses, and want to contribute more, I decided to launch Orange to Apple Creative. The goal is to create more cheerful content from my corner of the Sunshine State and get new businesses noticed. If that sounds like you, I would love to chat and learn how I can help. From copywriting to social media management, I can take care of it for you.
This is such a short list and I want to hear from you! What have you been filling your time with? I imagine by the time we’re through this, we have a whole set of skills in our arsenal.
Love from Florida,
As always, thanks for stopping by! To keep up with all things about the Sunshine State, be sure to visit my exclusive Florida page, here.
Annaliese says
I’ve been doing a ton of cooking and baking, and lots of organizing in my room so far! I’m hoping to get more into crafts and brushing up on my French skills if things continue this way for awhile longer.
xoxo A