Some English Factory New Arrivals

Dress || Wedges || Handbag || Earrings
I would have describe my own sense of style as a little left of center. Classic, preppy pieces always call to me, but I really gush when it has something that make it unique. Such a style often can cost you an arm and leg. Honestly, I don’t quite have the budget for that. Hey, a girl can dream though! Since pricing is always one of the first things I consider when shopping, a brand to know is English Factory. Their fun pieces are available at several major retailers, each with their own inventory. Recently, they’ve come out with some positively beautiful pieces and I thought it would be fun to round up some of my favorites. Happy shopping!

Although they have the smallest, I put them first because they are simply one of my favorite shops. Everything they curate is carefully selected to and feels more like I’m shopping my closet than a store. I’ve recently blogged about one of my purchases, here, but their options are always changing. Currently, I am smitten with this pink boho maxi dress. I would instantly jump on it if I didn’t already have something very similar in my closet. To hold onto the final days of summer, I may finally pull the trigger on a cap sleeve floral blouse that looks simply amazing with crisp white jeans.

This retail giant, who is in the midst of their annual Anniversary Sale, also has a great selection of English Factory pieces. Of the three stores, they may have the most extensive collection, especially when it comes to unique seperates. Some of their blouses, though, I would almost call closet staples. That is, if you love billowing white tops and boho shirt dresses, which I absolutely do. This pink mini dress has been such a popular item this summer. I tried it and it didn’t really work for me, but I will vicariously live through you if you buy it. It is still absolutely darling!

I consider this the mother load of my English Factory obsession. That is primarily because of their speedy quick 2 day shipping. They also are constantly adding new pieces, making it seem very fresh and current. There are a few pieces in particular that stick out. For starters, I’ve sort of feeling the color beige, of all things, recently and this midi dress will be perfect with FSU garnet accessories. On the completely different end of the sundress spectrum is this pastel color block dress. No one wears the style better than the amazing Kristin Chambless, one of my favorite bloggers.

I can be honest for second? Instead of style, I would much rather be sharing my travels and life adventures. Well, since that’s not a reality for so many of us, it only make sense to share what I can control… my closet! I hope you enjoy my little tidbits of fashion and style with English Factory. I’m just as excited as you are for bigger and broader topics. Until then, thank you so much for sticking with me!
Love from Florida,
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