Ins and Outs for 2024
š Boca Grande, Florida
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Happy Friday! How is the first year of the New Year treating you? After a relaxing New Year’s Day, I’ve been at full speed to catch up on work. It’s the crux of having a full week away from the office. Although I rang in 2024 with more laid-back festivities, the New Year is one of my favorite holidays. Like opening up my brand new planner, it feels like a fresh start and has room for almost limitless opportunities. It’s also a time to reflect on the growth and changes I hope to make in the 365 days to come. I have loved reading about people’s Ins-Outs over the past few days and wanted to share one more for good measure. Here’s a quick recap of my trends for 2024.

Reading Every Night Before Bed
As a kid, I was a ravenous bookworm, reading until I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore (often under the covers with a flashlight). Each year, I have a goal to get back into reading. I start strong, but right around mid-summer, it ultimately gets derailed. Maybe my number is too lofty. I mean, 50 through a whole year sounds like nothing. David suggested I make a goal of 24, as in 2 books per month. That’s what I have penciled down, with hopes to read many more.
More Frequent Moments of Self-Care
I almost criminally procrastinate on self-care. Oh, I don’t need a haircut. I’ll get a pedicure closer next week. A massage seems like a frivolous spend. The list goes on. This year, I want to find opportunities to treat myself while making daily activities a spa-like experience. First on my list? That haircut! I’m making an appointment at a salon in Manhattan to refresh my hair and feel a little pampered.
Jazz Playlists with Morning Coffee
This is something that David and I started in 2023. I can’t wait for it to continue into 2024 and beyond. It’s nice to start each morning with a pre-work ritual. David, an early riser, makes a fresh pot of coffee to lure me out of the warm bed. We listen to light jazz, prep for our day, and discuss ideas we’re working on. In truth, it makes me feel like such a power couple! Consider it our tiny moment of zen that we’ve both come to know and love.

Mindless TV Watching
I love a little background noise while working on my computer all day. Just pop on a favorite comfort show, and I feel inspired to be a little more productive. Sounds great, right? The problem happens when I plant myself on the couch and continue watching that show into the evening. This year, I would like to limit my TV time, focusing on making it a shared experience with David. We don’t have to miss the newest movie or the hottest TV show, but we want to make our habits more intentional.
Working Through My Lunch Break
With a remote job and hobby that takes place almost entirely online, my screen time consumption has been way up. This year, I want to focus on giving myself mini breaks away from the screen, namely, when I’m eating lunch and taking my dog, Tripp, for a walk. These tiny moments away from technology will help me connect with the present, decompress during a stressful day, and support my eye health. Besides, I’m sure Tripp would be much happier if my focus were on him. That work email can wait a few minutes.
Cluttered Closets and Wardrobes
I’ve already laid a lot of groundwork to declutter the spaces in my life. Moving across the country will force you to look hard at what you own. Thinking well into 2024, I want to purge the clothes that don’t fit and what I don’t wear to leave room for a perfectly curated capsule collection. Your 30s is when you can nail down your personal style. I’ve been enjoying timeless silhouettes in monochromatic colors to optimize their versatility. Cheers to multifunctional pieces that will last me a lifetime!
Like I said, I love reading about people’s Ins and Outs. It is a fun and more approachable pivot from the dreaded resolutions that ultimately don’t last more than a few weeks. No matter what’s made your list this year, I hope you can maintain healthy boundaries and find little ways to make the day brighter through 2024.
Love from Boca Grande,
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