First and Second Trimester Updates
📍 Palais Royal, Paris
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As I write this, I’m in my 25th week of pregnancy. Saying it out loud feels insane! In just about 100 days, we’ll be joined by Baby Girl Kennedy, and our lives will be changed forever. Not that David and I haven’t already felt a seismic shift for the better. Since I’m just a few short weeks away from entering the third trimester, I thought I’d give a little recap on how the first two have treated me. Plus, I wanted to share some of the products that have made this an easier adjustment.
The First Trimester
I’m sure we’ve all heard the horror stories about how awful first-trimester symptoms can be… Morning sickness, fatigue, and new aches and pains around the body. While I experienced a few symptoms and learned that “morning” sickness is a misnomer- it can last all day- everything was perfectly manageable. The two things that never really came my way were food aversions and cravings. I admittedly was getting worried because I assumed food cravings were a must-have experience. My doctor assured me it doesn’t happen to everyone, and Baby K was doing just great.
With refreshed confidence, I decided to look hard at what I ate every day. I still had some “saltine” days thanks to morning sickness. On the days when I was feeling able, I wanted to make sure that what I was taking in would be great brain food for the growing baby. That means lots of greens, a rainbow of fruits, and salmon. It wasn’t a huge shift from how I usually eat, but I added an actual breakfast (eggs on whole-grain toast) and Greek yogurt in the afternoon. Since I typically skip breakfast instead of just a black coffee and don’t eat that much dairy, these felt like pretty big improvements. I still enjoy my one cup of coffee in the morning.
Second Trimester
We marked the start of the second trimester on vacation in Boca Grande. Almost instantly, it felt like a weight had been lifted. Those pesky symptoms disappeared, and I was left with more energy. As Baby K continued to grow, I noticed my appetite disappearing. It almost felt like she had taken up the real estate where my stomach was supposed to be, leaving less room for food. After eating half of a meal or even a glass of water, I would feel uncomfortably full.
Now, with each passing week, Baby K gets bigger and bigger. I’m happy to report that even though I look visibly pregnant, the majority of my clothes miraculously still fit. I think it’s a combination of sticking with healthy eating habits and naturally gravitating toward oversized clothes. I’ve also stocked up on clothes a few sizes to give myself even more time. Still, I know the days of zipping up my favorite jeans are numbered and I’ll have to hang them up until post-partnum.
Physically, emotionally, and otherwise, so many extraordinary changes will happen in the next few months. This has the makings of such an incredible adventure, and I cannot wait to meet Baby K in person. Who will she look like? What will her interests be? What does the future have in store for her? Lucky for me, I’ll have a whole lifetime to find out!
Love from Paris,
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