Taking Back Casual Friday
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Happy Friday! At least, I think it’s Friday. The days blend together so easily that I have to check at least three times a day. Friday, though, should still be held special. Even though the line between workweek and weekend is so blurred right now, I like to clearly make that distinction. Doing so will be a tiny glimmer of normalcy during these strange times. While our Friday doesn’t look anything like the norm, here are my favorite ways to take back Casual Friday.
Dress for the Occassion
If you’ve been wearing sweatpants or pajamas daily, make Friday your day to elevate what you wear. Even if that means sliding on your comfiest pair of jeans and a cute blouse, that works for me. I’ve been trying to dress how I typically would, so I’m keeping the casual in Casual Friday by dressing down. Friday is also the perfect opportunity to really get dolled up for no particular reason at all.
Call Quitting Time
If you are able to work from home, make sure that you have a distinct end time to your Friday work schedule. It’s so easy to lose track of time and find yourself working well into the evening. By giving an end time to your work day, you’re creating healthy boundaries that will help keep your spirits up. Some weeks can feel particularly stressful and a mental break becomes a priority. Have a conversation with your boss to ask if you could take a half day.
Make a Celebratory Cocktail
I’ve been trying to stay very mindful of how much alcohol I drink while safe at home. Really, I’ve been saving most cocktails for Friday and Saturday, although there are some exceptions. Since you can’t go out for drinks right now, have Happy Hour at home and create your favorite cocktail. Make it virtual and FaceTime with your typical Friday night crew. Even though we’re apart, it’s so important to stay connected.
Order Local Take-Out
I’ve been touting often how important it is to support local businesses. While we haven’t felt comfortable to make this a daily occurrence, it’s become part of our nightly routine on Fridays. It makes perfect sense because eating out is how we would typically spend our evening. If you are able, I recommend leaving a hearty tip to say thank you, especially if you’re a regular. Bring your bounty home and watch a movie for a makeshift date night.
Just because the times are most decidedly not normal, we can still try to find some sense of normalcy. That means respecting your own mental state and personal time. There’s a lot of things we currently cannot control, but how we spend our day is!
Love from Florida,
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